Friday, August 5, 2011

Bay Beach

Our recent trip to Green Bay wasn't all hospitals and worrying. We arrived the day before Max's test and spent a wonderful afternoon at Bay Beach. I had never been and wasn't sure what to expect...I couldn't have been more delighted. Bay Beach is an amusement park with a miniature train, carousel, Ferris wheel, wooden rollercoaster (the Zippin Pippin), bumper cars, bumper boats, pony rides (PONY RIDES!! I can't remember the last time I saw pony rides), and myriad other carnival rides. I couldn't put my finger on exactly what makes the place so charming. Its location, in a public park situated on the shore of Lake Michigan? The old-timey feel of the place? The ride tickets for a quarter? The total absence of booths full of crappy toys that entice the most well-behaved children to beg, plead and whine? The 250lb, ponytailed, be-earringed, total stoner dude employed as conductor on the mini train? The history of the Zippin Pippin as Elvis's favorite roller coaster?

Regardless it was a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon.


  1. Maybe the fact that you shared this experience in your "happy mama" mode? Seems everything seems better when you see it through the eyes of your child.

  2. You are such a great writer! Love your bogs!
