The incredulous tone, the wide eyes, the expression of if to say, "how, WHY would anyone live in this place year round??!!" Longtime Islanders has experienced the question so many times I imagine everyone has their practiced and witty response. I however do not. Yet. Maybe next summer when I field the question countless times I'll just write down the link to this blog post.
Because we've been doing a lot so far this winter...
Going to play group:

Having family movie night:

Making funny faces:

Organizing Mommy's shoes:

Taking long baths:

Standing unassisted:

Watching the snow fly:

Having a dance party wearing Daddy's socks:
Practicing walking in the snow:
To borrow a phrase from Calvin and Hobbes, the days are just packed.
Frankly, I am glad you posted this, as I am one of the legions of people who wonder aloud what the h people DO all winter long when it's too cold to go outside. One measly winter down here in 'bama and already I get bananas when it's below 55 for more than two days in a row and we can't play outside. I'm going to need you next winter, my friend.
ReplyDeleteThis post was mostly a venue to upload a bunch of pics and videos of Max for the fam...I confess to being at my wit's end some days. We go on "field trips" (the bank, the grocery store, the rec center etc) as often as possible to break up the day. At least you'll be in or near the city and such delights as The Big Backyard :)